Signature Deployment Errors
When embedding signatures with Signite, some errors may occur.
See the following for potential issues and ways to solve them:
5. A Domain was Added After the Initial Install
1. Missing Domains / Users
Removing a domain or a user on Google Workspace without synchronizing the changes to Signite may cause subsequent deployments to show an error for users under the removed domain, or for the removed user.
To make sure a domain is removed from Signite, go to your domains screen and use the Synchronize Domains button on the bottom left of the screen.

To update the users list to account for the user/s removal, got to your Domains screen and synchronize the domain’s users

Note that some changes may take awhile to take effect, so waiting a few minutes before re-synchronizing the domains / users can help mitigate the issue.
2. Permission issues:
Some users may be assigned insufficient permissions via their Organizational Units, which may block Signite from accessing and managing their signatures.
For the full guide follow the link: Organizational Units Management
3. Exceeding Character Limit
Due to Gmail’s character limitation of 10,000 maximum characters per signature (More info), exceeding the HTML character count may cause an error while trying to embed.
For the full guide follow the link: Character Limit Exceeded
4. Template Structure Errors
Signite updates our API regularly, and therefore some older template structures needs to be updated in order to deploy correctly.
To remedy this, a simple click on the green Update Template button at the bottom of the template editing page, will fix any incompatibilities with our newer code, and prompt a fresh redeployment of the previously deployed signatures.
5. A Domain was Added After the Initial Install
If a new domain was added after the initial install, Signite may not have the permissions to view or sync it.
This may cause an error when trying to sync the domains and users.
See the following guide for more information and solutions:
Still having issues? Contact us at