Because of the way Outlook manages signatures, adding an HTML signature requires a few, somewhat unintuitive, steps to implement. The following guide will help you figure out what to do to ignite your email signatures on this platform.

1. Creating your Signite Signature HTML code

First thing we need to do is to create the actual signature.

Using Signite’s signature creation platform, create your signatures for all your users, while following the available guides.

After applying a signature to a user, and deploying it in Signite, an HTML button will appear in your user signature management screen.

Click the button and choose the Outlook HTML option from the drop down menu.

Save your user’s HTML signature on your computer, somewhere you’ll find it easily later.
We’ll be using it in a few steps.

2. Creating a blank signature in Outlook

Once we have the HTML signature ready, we need to prepare an Outlook signature file, to be able to use it.
To do that, we need to create a blank signature in the application itself.

Open your outlook and go to File > Options > Mail and choose “Signatures”. Click “new” to create a blank signature.

Name the signature something easy to remember, like “Signite Signature”.

Assign the signature to both New Messages and Replies / Forwards and close the application window.

3. Finding Outlook’s signatures folder

Outlook’s signature folder exists in either of these two locations on windows:

Windows 11, 10, 7 and Vista

Windows XP
C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\Microsoft\Signatures

Here you’ll find all of your signatures.
Sort them by Date to see the latest signature (The one we’ve just created in the previous step)

4. Pasting your Signite HTML Signature to your blank signature

Once you’ve found your new blank signature, right click on it and choose Open With > Notepad. (On Mac, choose Open With > TextEdit).

Delete the code between the <body> and </body> tags.

Open the Signite HTML signature we saved in step 1, using Notepad, copy the entire code to the end of the blank Outlook signature, and save the file (CTRL+A to select all the code, and CTRL+C to Copy and CTRL+V to paste).

5. Your Signite signature is ready!

Open Outlook and compose a new message